Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lay it down.

I just returned from an amazing morning of worshipping our one true Creator and it was exactly what I needed. I feel like I have literally been holding my breath under water for months and this morning God came and reminded me to breathe.


I think we don't take the time to breathe and really take in life as it is happening. I used to be all about "living in the moment" but lately I feel like I have been drowning in a sea of moving boxes & bills. It's a lot to take in. In the last two months, either my husband or I (or both) have done one of the following: quit our job, bought a house, moved to a completely different state, packed a Uhaul, packed a POD, hired movers, (yes, we had a lot of stuff), moved to a new city where we know about 10 people, moved my business to a new state and basically started over with my clientele, moved & tried to comfort 4 animals as they get used to a new home - this might have been the most trying of all of them.... I could go on and on. All of these things are fairly normal when it comes to moving but my point is we've been so busy that until this morning I honestly don't think I've sat still for longer than an hour or two.

This morning I attended a Women's Conference here in Ruston where the keynote speaker was Kelly Minter. Before today I wasn't too familiar with Kelly. Yes, I knew she was a Christian singer of some sort but that was about all. I learned today that she is also an author, songwriter and speaker.

me & my beautiful mother at the conference

The theme of the event was Clear the Stage and she talked about how to make space for the only one who truly deserve it - Jesus Christ.  The conference topic was on idolatry and false gods and it truly touched my heart. If you are like me then when you hear the word idolatry, your first thoughts are probably of some huge gold statue. Kelly talked to us about the false gods in our lives and it opened my heart to what God was telling me. A false god can be anything you place in front of God. It can be a relationship, an obsessive habit or a material possession. Honestly it can be ANYTHING! What do you spend your time daydreaming about? Has it become an obsession? What are you doing that you don't want to do?

The evil does not lie in what we want but in how much we want it. 

What a powerful message. I was live tweeting the event on Twitter (@cbbuie) and here are just a few of my notes that I tweeted today:

  • At the root of everything evil is the belief that God is holding out on us.
  • Our hearts are built & designed for relationships & community with God. No other thing or person will satisfy. 
  • Your idols will keep you striving but they will never satisfy you. 
  • When we are enslaved by idols, we will manipulate, bargain & grasp for control. 
  • Our pain & emptiness draws us to our false gods. 
  • The thing we think we may die without, may be the very thing that kills us. 
  • When people are our gods & we rely on their love & affection, it blinds us from God's affection for us. 
  • Do not put off obedience to the Lord. You are only prolonging your bondage. 
  • Trust God to provide, even in the middle of a mystery. 
  • What are you withholding from the Lord? Lay it down. Trust that He will provide. Genesis 22
    • Lay. It. Down. 
  • There is nothing that we can lay down that God cannot take the place of. 
    • Lay. It. Down. 
  • What pain are you trying to numb? What false god are you trying to numb it with?

I wouldn't necessarily consider myself "a worrier." In fact, my personality is pretty laid back and care free. However, lately I have been spending a majority of my time worrying about the future. I truly believe that God told me today that my false gods are my worries about the future. I debated on whether I would write down these worries but I decided those are between me and Him. One verse that God gave me today is 1 Peter 5: 6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.  


I encourage you this coming week to ask God for Him to show what your false gods are? What are you withholding from the Lord. Trust that He will provide. Is it worry that is keeping you from Him? Lay it down. Is it pride? What about a toxic relationship? Is it an addiction? Remember there is nothing that we can lay down that God cannot take the place of. 

*Shout out to my sister-in-law Amanda who planned the entire event and to Angie who also spoke today about her life as a missionary and did an amazing job!

1 comment:

Lizzie's Lists said...

Go slowly. And lay it down. Two reminders I needed, thanks for sharing!