Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Learning to read...all over again.

In our family, B is the reader and well, I am not. I have never liked to read really. I'd blame it on A.D.D. or the fact that my mom never read to me when I was young (ha! sorry, Mom, couldn't resist). The truth is, there are just other things I'd rather be doing. I find it hard to concentrate on reading a book. I get bored easily and distracted. I find myself reading the same paragraph over and over without really grasping what is going on in the book. I have tried reading outloud but I'm horrible at reading aloud. I hate when I get called on to read something. It makes me nervous. I'm afraid of reading it wrong and looking stupid. Even when I read to myself outloud, it just doesn't work. It obviously takes me forever to finish a book, which is probably why I haven't finished one in while.

Now, please know that I am a well educated individual. I graduated with a B average in highschool and college but when it comes to reading I just feel dumb sometimes. One thing I have always enjoyed reading is magazines. I know you are probably laughing but there are some very intruiging articles in magazine so don't hate! ;) I have recently discovered a new favorite magazine: Garden & Gun. Simply stated, it is a magazine that is dedicated to celebrating the South. It makes me proud to be from the South every time I read this magazine.

Saying my husband likes to read is an understatement. I wish I had a picture of his study at our house so you could see the amount of books he has. When he went home for Christmas to his parents home, there were more of his books. He reads a new book a week practically. I love him for it. Yes, it makes me feel dumb sometimes when we're lying in bed and he's enthralled in the latest 1000 page historical fiction novel and I'm reading Better Homes & Garden but that's just us. I love when he brings me home magazines. You see, he's the manager at a bookstore (I told you he loves books. He loves them so much he works with them everyday!), so he feeds our addictions at 30% off. :)

Lately though, I have been feeling the itch to read more. I have been wanting to read some big girl books. On many occasions I have started reading a book but will get distracted by a fancy new magazine that B perched on my pillow. That glossy cover and pretty pictures just lures me in! But in just a few weeks, I am resigning from my current job to concentrate on my photography. I have big plans for reading more. I realize I will be super busy trying to start up my photography business full time but I want to make reading a priority in my new life.

Here are a few on my list already:

Health & Diet:



Looking forward to having a little more time to dive into some good books. If you're on goodreads, you should look me up. (my user name is cbbuie) If you're NOT on goodreads, and you have an interest in reading you should check it out. It's a great place to keep up with all of the books you have read and hope to one day read! You can also see what your friends are reading! I currently have a bazillion books sitting on my "to be read" shelf but hopefully soon I can tackle that!
What are YOU reading these days?

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